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Gluten Free Oats, Bridal Shower, Wonderful Friends!

GlutenFreePrairie Oat CupcakesLast week, some of my dearest friends and family members came to my house for a bridal shower... for me! The weekend will remain a favorite memory forever. And I used the event to try out some new cupcake ideas: Oatmeal cinnamon (using Deb Wheaton's oats from Gluten-Free Prairie) and Ginger Chocolate. They were yummy!

rain's picture

Five of my Favorite Things - Post 2

spicesWelcome to post #2 listing five of my favorite things! This week's post is inspired by my Kung Fu classmate's email this morning, asking what he could do with quinoa and red lentils. Also in this post: Tcho chocolate, Savory Spice Shop and buckwheat pancakes.

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