Web development

I began building websites in 1998, when the Anthropology Department at Vassar College asked me to help with a couple faculty sites as part of my work-study job. Just a couple years later, I found myself teaching web development at multiple community colleges and working for an internet startup just outside of Boston. Finding my way into web development was something of an accident, but it led to a career of which I am proud and, fortunately, I enjoy!

A few sites I'm proud to have been part of building: 

In 2015 I had the pleasure of authoring a video course for tech publisher, O'Reilly Media, titled Learning Drupal 8: Install, Build, Deploy & Maintain a Customized Drupal Site (O'Reilly, 2015).

This Learning Drupal 8 training course covers the basic building blocks for creating a customized Drupal website. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no experience with Drupal is required. 