A memory
Four years ago today my best friend was very suddenly and unexpectedly taken from this world. She was at that magical moment in her life when her dreams were starting to come true; she was a light in everyone's lives, an absolute inspiration to all of us.
Time has not made the sense of loss any less poigniant, but it has made it easier to focus on the good memories instead of the pain.
I am eternally grateful to have had her in my life. She made me a better person, and her memory reminds me often of what matters most in life.
On this day, I try to celebrate her by taking time to remember, by posting a memorial note, and by sharing time with other very close friends of hers over gelato. While it is but a small token, it helps me to remember that, in some important way, her joy and laughter remain with me.
It is with love and sadness that I write this year's note, as it seems impossible that four years could have passed already. My heart reaches out to all who have had to let go of those most dear to them; it is an incredibly difficult thing to do, but we can at least feel blessed to have been touched by those individuals before saying goodbye.